Monday 17 August 2015

Presentation to Uliga Public School

 On August 6th, we presented soccer, basketball, volleyball and playground balls and cones to Uliga Public School.  President Zedhkeia of our Church made the presentation.
This school doesn't have much in resources so it felt good to encourage the children to enjoy some play things. We hope the children can be involved in some sports leagues that keeps them active for their lifetime.  Regular exercise is needed to prevent diabetes. 

Friday 14 August 2015

Fun at Billfish Tournament

We went to the Billfish Tournament last weekend. A billfish is also known as a marlin.  19 teams took part.  There was music, kiosks that sold food like this one selling grilled chicken.
This is Elder Larry Baber. He is our Mission Auditor and also helps run the Mission Office with his good wife.  He likes fishing.
These are the Daltons - Elder Dennis and Sister Barb. They are the Self-Reliance Missionaries in our Mission. They like lots of action so they came to see what was happening too.
While we were waiting for the boats to come in to weigh their catch, we watched this man catch a pretty white and blue bottom-feeding fish.
Besides marlin, the tournament also was for tuna, barracuda, and wahoo.  These are some of the tuna caught by one team. I wonder how many cans of tuna can be made from one fish?
This is the winning billfish. Do you see its big "bill" at the end of its nose?  As each boat unloaded its catch, a big crane lifted it up and weighed it.  This was a fun day.

Monday 10 August 2015

Presentation of Donation to Diabetic Wellness Center

 This is Majuro Stake President Zed Zedhkeia. We invited him to meet us at the Wellness Center to present the Church donations.  He is a wonderful man and we enjoy working with him and appreciate his support.
 We introduced President Zedhkeia to the cooks who will be using the new equipment before we made the presentation.
 This is a picture of Tanner and Krystin Smith and staff in front of some of the equipment donated.  It includes things like a rice cooker, soup warmers, electric griddle, warming pans, new cutlery and plates. 
Here is the official presentation. Diabetes is an epidemic in the Marshall Islands and most countries in the Pacific. The Wellness Center provides wonderful holistic education about diabetes and also runs a restaurant that provides healthy meals.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Shipwrecks and Dance Festivals

 July was a busy month.  We had a typhoon that left four shipwrecks in our harbour.  This one came from the lagoon side, which is supposed to be safe.
 We enjoyed a week long visit from youth and leaders from Ebeye. Pictured in the front row are District President Seremia, Gibb and Wendy Schaffer and Mission President and Sister Weir.
 Their visit was part of a Youth Conference and Dance Festival.  Most wards youth had practised for five months. They were wonderful!
Here are all the youth at their final banquet.  They made lots of new friends.

New Ajeltake Ward

Our little Church branch became a full ward the end of May. Pictured left to right are 1st Counselor Brother Ken, Bishop Banny Lamille, 2nd Counselor Jimmy and Stake President Zedhkeia Zedhkeia.

We have visitors from New Zealand

 Our Humanitarian Supervisors Gary and Susan Winters came to see us the end of May.  They have lots of experience.
We took them to meet many key individuals related to diabetes prevention. Here are a few pictures. This is Dr. James Yaingeluo, Director of the Majuro Hospital Diabetes Clinic.
 This is a group shot showing us with nurse Nicki Hsu and Dr. Paul Chiang of the Taiwanese Medical Group.
 In between meetings one day, we took them to WAM, an organization that teaches young adults how to build the traditional Marshallese canoes. We hope to go for a ride one day.
At the end of the Winters' visit, they asked us to develop a framework for diabetes prevention in the Marshall Islands. In this picture, we met with the National NCD Committee about diabetes prevention ideas and they supported us.  We will work together - WODDE JIBBEL.