Because this island is built on a coral reef, digging up the ground is very hard work.
This garden was built for the new Iroij (traditional king) a few weeks ago using lots of plant cuttings.
Neilani's garden has been in the ground for two weeks. It uses banana tree trunks as its' outside structure. Her cucumbers seem to love the environment.
Richard put two rows of bricks on this garden. You don't have to bend over very far when weeding it. Richard has lots of different kinds of gardens. He may be young but he knows a lot about gardening.
We had lots of help when we went out to Ajeltake to build Nesia's garden. She chose to use banana tree trunks for the outside structure. Then we put a layer of cardboard and soaked it well. In this picture we are putting down a layer of coconut husks to help retain moisture.
Next, went in layers of compost, manure and soil with a top coat of peat moss. Then Nesia chose the seeds she wanted, putting the tallest plants around the "live composter" shown in the middle.
Elder Crooks is just bringing the last basket of coconut husks to line the outside of the garden to make it look pretty. The seeds are in. Nesia just has to water and throw plant scraps into the composter with water whenever she has them. This is my favorite garden so far.