Tuesday 8 September 2015

Sailing on Traditional Canoes

We decided to go sailing on the traditional Marshallese canoes. These are handmade by a company called WAM (which stands for something in Marshallese) which trains youth not in school otherwise. They kids learn their cultural tradition, sail guests around the lagoon each day and also learn marketable carpentry skills. It was a fun ride.
This is Sister Pat Smith, our Mission Nurse.  She is awesome and takes good care of all the missionaries in her charge.

 These are the two young guys who sailed us around the lagoon.  They use an oar to steer.  We sailed out into the lagoon and when we got to the other side, they switched the sail from one end of the boat to the other to sail us back.
This is one of the small tuna boats in the harbour. Sometimes there are up to 22 there. Do you see the small helicopter on the top deck. They use that to herd the tuna into their big nets.
This is a tuna boat from the other side. See the smaller boat they can put in the water?  They use it to run the big nets around the schools of tuna. RMI is the largest tuna transshipment port in the world.

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